Welcome to my site! Another Friday is here and time for a new Friday Follow! This has been a pretty nice week for me. I am heading in the right direction of my weightloss mini goal. Looking to reach it well ahead of schedule.
While you are here, if you are also writing about your weightloss and would like to link up your results you can do so each Wednesday in my Weigh-In Linky! If not, feel free to follow me in my journey. You can visit here to see my latest weigh in. The more people I feel is watching, the less likely I am going to fail!
I like to write a daily journal post that tells everything I eat, a little bit of what I do each day and any exercise I get in. You can find my journal in the top navigation bar. I also like to write about any great grocery deals for eating healthy that may be found each week. Bi-Lo has some pretty good ones I listed here.
I look forward to meeting some great people! If you decide to follow me, leave me a comment so that I can return the favor! Happy Friday and Have a great weekend!