Monday, June 14, 2010

My Journal Entry 6/14/10 Monday

I had such a hard time getting up and going this morning. I laid back down and slept an extra hour! I think I may be getting sick, my throat has been a bit scratchy off and on today. It was so late in the day when I got up and moving that I fixed a Lean Cuisine meal to have lunch for Breakfast!

Tortilla Crusted Fish with Rice
Total Calories  290
Total Fat           9g
Total Carbs      40g
Total Fiber         2g
Total Protein     13g

I watched some TV, unloaded the dishwasher and talked on the phone for a while with a friend. It is such a lazy lazy gloomy feeling day! I fixed a snack and chose a Banana and some Strawberries.

1 Banana and 4 Strawberries, sliced
Total Calories  130
Total Fat           0g
Total Carbs      31g
Total Fiber         4g
Total Protein       1g

I need to find something productive to do. Got to break this sluggish feeling! On a positive note, I did weigh my self this morning and I loved the number I saw! Hoping it stays that way or better for the weigh in Wednesday!

I took me a while to update this entry. For dinner I fixed various chopped vegetables and a 100 Calorie Cheese pack.

Veggie Plate with 100 Calorie Cheese Pack
Total Calories  168
Total Fat             8g
Total Carbs        13g
Total Fiber           2g
Total Protein       10g

Even though I didn't feel so good, I did go out and take a short walk on the green way. I jogged a few minutes when I first got there, but just felt to weak to jog anymore. It was 2 miles and it took about 40 minutes for total calories 200

When I got back I had a snack of Whole Grain Cheez-its.

 27 Whole Grain Cheez-its
Total Calories   150
Total Fat          8g
Total Carbs     17g
Total Fiber        1g
Total Protein      3g

I started feeling a lot worse as the night progressed, I started running a fever and felt like I have been hit by a truck! Might have the flu?

Today's Totals
Total Calories   738
Total Fat           25g
Total Carbs     101g
Total Fiber          9g
Total Protein       27g

Total Activites- 2 mile walk. Total 200 Calories burned in activities.
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I am a stay at home Wife and Mommy. I am also a huge couponer and love to save money every chance I get! This past birthday I turned 30, which got me thinking I really need to start making some healthy changes in my life. I hope you follow me on this journey as well as share some of your tips and deals as well!

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